ps.kot is a rambling non-profit artist run project space for contemporary art in Amsterdam. The project space provides a stage for international and local artists to present their work. Artists are invited to experiment / to research / to react on the space and its (dis)position.

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opening hours during exhibitions
Saturday 13:00 - 17:00
Sunday 13:00 - 17:00
visiting address
Ringdijk 4, 1097AAAmsterdam (NL)
email to projectspacekot(at)gmail(dot)com
stichting ps.kot
KVK-nummer: 93324324
KVK-nummer: 93324324
If you want to support ps.kot you are very welcome to make a donation to
Triodos bank. IBAN: NL78 TRIO 0320 8668 74
description: Donation + first and last name
Triodos bank. IBAN: NL78 TRIO 0320 8668 74
description: Donation + first and last name
or check our crowdfunding poster campaign