To support us with our projects, ps.kot started a crowdfunding campaign. When you make a donation of 30 Euro or more you will receive a A2 size poster as a thank you for your contribution. The poster is screen printed in a limited edition at AGA LAB, Amsterdam.
How it works:
Donate 30 Euro (or more) to the ps.kot bank account:
Donate 30 Euro (or more) to the ps.kot bank account:
Triodos bank. IBAN: NL78 TRIO 0320 8668 74
description: Donation + first and last name
To confirm your donation please send an email with your name and donation to projectspacekot(at)gmail(dot)com
As soon as we receive your donation and email, we will set aside a numbered copy of the poster for you. The poster can be picked up during exhibition hours at ps.kot. If the poster needs to be shipped please contact us before donating.